A Viary Nice House

Yesterday a viary nice green Scaly-headed Lorikeet called in to see the Birdman from Brisbane. He has a way with the birds – you could say he has them eating out of his hands!

Style Icon Sally

Do you remember the film “Ryan’s Daughter”? If so, do you remember Robert Mitchum wearing long johns in a bedroom scene? (I think he said, “Ah Rosie!”) Chris and I both remember it well but the funny thing is, that when we watched the film together, we were somewhat disappointed to find that the expected scene was missing. We both saw the film in the seventies, independently, of course, (we weren’t together then – I was a small child). We wondered if perhaps a Mary Whitehouse type of person back in the studios had cut the scene to protect future generations of audiences from the sight of a mature Mitchum in long johns? Our film-buff friend and neighbour, Martin, was of no help at all – he couldn’t remember that scene. We are still baffled. If anyone else can recall it we would be pleased and relieved to hear from you. I may be wrong but I think Robert Mitchum’s long johns were red (if that helps).

Anyway, Robert Mitchum’s long johns are only incidental to my story. I really want to tell  you about the chilly weather – it is getting so cold at night now – and my bed attire. Now normally I like to wear as little as possible, without being too alluring, when I go to bed; I hate that feeling of being swathed in pyjamas – they make me feel like a mummy trapped in bandages. I much prefer to wear a nice little vest and a pair of panties, so if there’s a fire I’m ready for action. However, the nights are getting colder, especially so in our bedroom because we sleep on the bottom floor of our house and the central heating doesn’t reach that far.

Dear Chris, he’s so sweet and caring; last Saturday we were shopping at Lidl, the great store that is the same all over Europe and yet it continually surprises one with one-off unusual lines (you never know what extras you’ll find). I was looking at some marvellous gloves designed for use when scraping ice off windscreens, and I was wondering if I would ever use them, when Chris came up to me with something in his hand.

“This is for you,” he said, handing me the stripey item of clothing.

“What is it?” I asked.

“A onesie, to keep you warm at night now that it’s getting chillier,” he seemed pleased that he had found something nice for me.

Last night it was like a fridge downstairs when I went into the bedroom after my shower and my thoughts turned to the grey and white stripey onesie that Chris had given me, and which I hadn’t opened yet. The first thing that I noticed upon pulling it out of the bag was that it was incredibly long and narrow; it was about six-foot long, maybe more, from shoulder to ankle and about one foot wide. Nevertheless I managed to draw up the skinny legs over my own well-formed legs – the material was stretchy – and, believe it or not, the garment fitted a treat… It was almost like a second skin up to the crotch, but being so long, the crotch (which was rather capacious) began half way down my thighs. The arms and torso were perfect and no, in case you’re wondering, the grey and white stripes didn’t make me look like a mummy. On the contrary, I looked like convict who had, mistakenly, been given the long johns of a much taller inmate.

“You look like a convict,” Chris tried to contain his laughter when he came in and found me staring at myself in the mirror.

“Don’t you like it?” I asked.

“I love the convict look,” he answered. (What else could he say?)

He jumped into bed first and I followed.

Pulling back the covers and getting in myself, I turned to Chris and exclaimed:

“Ah Rosie!”

There wasn’t any need to say more – we had both seen Robert Mitchum in that bedroom scene in “Ryan’s Daughter”!

By morning my onsie had taken on my shape, but moreso, and a glance in the full-length mirror informed me that I looked like a big baby wearing a cuddly babygrow.

“You still look like a convict,” Chris laughed.

“An I-con!” I contradicted.

Funnily enough, I slept extraordinarily well in my stripes.



Exotic Holiday – Another Joke

Thanks go to Geoff for this one.

The Exotic Holiday

My wife
and I decided
to take an
organised trip
to Afghanistan
to see for
ourselves what
the place was
It didn’t start
at all well;
the train
we where
travelling on
broke down a
few miles
north of the
capital. We
were stranded
in a third
world hole of a
place with
streets full
of angry
types glaring
at us; the
wife stood out
in her
sundress as
all other
women had head
to toe burqas.

We were
scared and
convinced that
we were in
deep trouble.
Just then,
Dave the
that Finsbury
Park had a
tube station,
so we were
able to get
safely to
King’s Cross
and on to
Heathrow for
the rest of
our journey.

A Strange Craving and a Free Shower Into the Bargain

Just one of the many charming things about Trago Mills (the store that sells almost everything you can think of) is the fact that much of the wild-life walk, flap or waddle at liberty amongst the shoppers and diners outside (not inside the buildings, naturally).

Now I know for certain that peacocks love pasties, pies, sausage-rolls, any pastry, chips, Danish pastries, gingerbread men, Chelsea buns and cream doughnuts – they usually hang about the tables situated near the take-away food shops – but I was hitherto unaware, until yesterday, that they are absolutely crazy about cauliflowers. Perhaps it is because all the former foods are commonplace and freely given by the often already tubby shoppers whilst the latter are forbidden fruit, guarded as they are by watchful greengrocers.

As you can see from the photographs below, I was fascinated to see the antics of the peacock that shunned fattening foods in preference for the healthy diet option. Sadly, I didn’t get the shot of the greengrocer throwing a basin of water over the peacock.

“Why don’t you let him have some of the greenery?” I asked.

“Then they’ll all want some,” the greengrocer replied and went back to his counter.

As I was at a greengrocer’s I would have liked to have responded with, “Is it a case of sour grapes?” but I didn’t because the meaning of “sour grapes” didn’t fit the circumstances – the grocer has cauliflowers coming out of his ears! And anyway, I didn’t want to incur any wrath because I, like the peacock, yearned for one of those nice tempting cauliflowers.

Before returning with my cauliflower to the car I glanced over at the wily wet peacock who had strutted off in disgust after his shower; seeing that the coast was clear, he had turned around and was sauntering back as nonchalantly as possible, for one who craves with a passion.

And we’ve just had a delicious cauliflower cheese for dinner…


Roly’s Jollies (The Joke Page)

The Wrong Doctor

A woman went to her doctor’s surgery. The surgery was so busy that morning that she was unable to make an appointment with her usual doctor and had to see another, younger, male doctor instead.

Four minutes into the consultation (and examination) the lady burst out screaming and, hysterical, she ran down the hallway past the various consultation room doors. Hearing the hullabaloo, her own old doctor opened his door and stopped her in her tracks.

“What’s the problem my dear?” he asked (Australian doctors are very nice like that.)

He led her into another room and sat her down to calm her; and he held the lady’s hand while, in-between sobs she told her story. The kindly older doctor listened intently and, when he had heard enough, he marched down the hallway to where the newly qualified young doctor was writing on a clipboard.

“What is the matter with you?” demanded the old doctor, “That lady is seventy-one years old, has four grown children and seven grandchildren – and you told her she was pregnant?”

The younger doctor continued writing and, without even looking up, said cockily:

“Nevertheless, it cured her of her hiccups!”


The Virgin and the Priest

A mature woman was talking to her priest about her forthcoming wedding.

“Oh Father,” she said, “I’m so nervous.”

“Now dear,” Father O’Riley began, “every bride-to-be is nervous before her wedding, but it’s not to say that this is your first – is it?”

“No Father, this will be my fourth,” she said a little coyly.

“Well, there you go – you’re fourth! – then why you should be so nervous?”

“I hardly know how to tell you Father…” she lowered her eyes.

“For goodness sake, you can tell me anyt’ing. Now why are you so worried?”

“Father, how am I going to tell my new husband that I’m still a virgin?” she appealed.

“A virgin? Are you sure? Child, you’ve been married for many years to t’ree different men; now tell me, how can you still be a virgin?”

“Well Father, I’ll explain. My first husband was a psychologist and all he wanted to do was talk about it; husband number two was in construction – he always said he would ‘get to it tomorrow’; and the third was a gynecologist…”

“Surely…?” interjected the priest.

“All he did was look,” the woman shook her head, “but this time, Father, I’m marrying a lawyer so I am pretty sure that I’m going to get screwed!”


Autumn Mist on the River Teign

It was so calm and peaceful down by the river this morning. As per usual on shopping Saturdays, we pulled into the Passage House Inn car park for a bit of blog reading (to my mum) by the Teign River. The tide was in and the river was right up to the top of the banks on either side; a family of hippos going for a swim would have burst the banks and flooded the car park. Luckily, there were no hippos, just the regular wild birds that live amongst the reeds and the same bevy of swans (if you can call a penn and her growing cygnets a bevy!).

The sun hid behind the clouds and a grey mist levitated above the river, making the tranquil scene quite magical. Then it rained.

Sunrise, Sunset…

Strange atmospherics have produced beautiful skies over the bay at sunrise and sunset…

The Son of Our Eldest Daughter

Yesterday evening, whilst the sun was going down most beautifully out of view, yet still managing to fill our sky with magnificent pinks, mauves and blues, something just as wonderful, but on a smaller scale (about twenty inches I imagine), had already happened; thousands of miles away in Dubai a baby boy called Aidan was born. He is half Irish, part English, part Guyanese and even has a bit of Welsh blood from way back – he is a child of the world.

Aidan is the six pound fourteen ounce firstborn of the next generation down; he is the son of our eldest daughter and Chris and I love him already… We’re just a wee bit worried about what he is going to call us.

Roland’s Joke of the Day

Our friend is so prolific that I thought I would give him his very own column post spot.
Call me daft if you like, but I didn’t get this at first; then I realised that it is a man’s joke. Typical!
Ship’s Purser:  I’m sorry Mr Jones, but we left your wife behind in New York.
Mr Jones:  Thank goodness for that, I thought I was going deaf!