Things Kids Say… in Mary’s Kitchen

I have been out all day and we are going out to dinner tonight – that time of year again – so I haven’t much time to write, just time enough to tell you about a funny conversation my sister had with our young niece some years ago. Mary reminded me and the same niece about it recently, when she came to visit with her boyfriend (Gemma has grown up in the meantime!).

Apparently the little Gemma came into the kitchen when Mary was preparing dinner.

“Do you like frozen peas?” Mary asked, making conversation with the five year old.

“Yes, I do,” Gemma said very politely, yet with a touch of hesitation before adding, “but I really prefer them cooked!”


And whilst I am on the subject of food here is another short anecdote which comes also from Mary’s kitchen…

This time it was, a tiny Elizabeth (Mary’s elder daughter), who came into the kitchen – she was hungry… until she found out what was for dinner.

“What is for dinner Mum?”

“Mixed grill,” my sister answered. (It was in the days that “mixed grills” were all the rage.)

Liz burst into tears.

“Why on earth are you crying Darling?” Mary asked.

“I don’t like minced squirrel!”

Ever after in Mary’s house mixed grill has been affectionately referred to as “minced squirrel”!