Cutting It

I have just had my morning shower and I’m looking for something to wear, so I’m stood in only my “bare necessities” as I peruse the vast array of tired clothes in my closet. Nothing inspires me, hence I’m standing there for quite some time. Suddenly, I feel a pair of masculine arms encircling my waist from behind. I don’t look around because I am reaching up to take a garment off its hanger and also, I know who it is. Nevertheless, I ask lightheartedly:

“Who is that?”

He laughs and pulls me tighter. As he does so I bring my hands onto his and I feel something sharp – I look down and see that he has a pair of nail scissors in his left hand. (Obviously he was coming back to the bedroom to return the scissors to his ‘man-drawer’.)

“I know who you are,” I say before adding, “Edward Scissorhands!”

“Cut it out!” Chris says.

“No need to be so sharp,” I say back.


Image result for edward scissorhands


4 thoughts on “Cutting It

  1. to be blunt Sally you cut a good story short… is. the sequel. the blade runner?

    • I do like to be to the point Diana! You make me laugh! x

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