Two Jokes That Could be Funny (But he Might be Wrong!)

Before the jokes I must tell you something funny that happened this morning. Recently we have started having guests through Airbnb (a great idea if, like us, you have spare rooms in your house) and, naturally, the visitors come from all corners of the world. Our latest visitors were a lovely couple from Northern Germany, which was something I must have mentioned to Roly (alias “The Bird Man”), our old friend in Australia, who sends me most of the jokes I relay to you via my blog.

Do you remember the 1970s comedy series called “Fawlty Towers”? It’s a much loved classic about the manic proprietor of an English guest house in Torquay (11 miles from here).  After the episode when Sybil and Basil Fawlty had German visitors staying at the guesthouse the actor John Cleese became famous for his line, “Don’t mention the war!”.

Would you believe that at the precise moment while Chris and I were listening to Roland’s Whatsapp verbal  message, when Roland was saying “Don’t mention the war!”, our German couple called out on the stairs, “We’re about to leave!” There were a few jumpy seconds when I struggled to turn off the verbal message… Luckily, either they didn’t hear or they weren’t proficient enough at English to understand. Phew! When you do Airbnb you have to remember never to mention “Don’t mention the war”!

And here are the two short jokes that our “Birdman” left us with…


 Well-Bred Crows

A sensible murder of crows (that’s what you call a flock of crows – capital idea!) were escaping the harsh winter by flying south from the northern Great Plains states to one of the lower Plains states of Oklahoma. A fine-looking male, slightly bored with the long flight, spoke to a male on his left:

“Hey pal, bred any good rooks lately?”


The Happy-Go-Lucky Gynecologist

The happy-go-lucky gynecologist was highly popular with his patients.

“Thank you so much,” a lady said huskily at the end of her appointment.

“Always happy to be at your cervix!” smiled the gynecologist.

“And I’m always dilated to see you!”