Oh to be a Seagull

I can’t say that I really like seagulls – they steal your chips and do their business on you just for fun – but you have to admire them, even envy them.

This morning Chris drew back the bedroom curtains onto a beautiful blustery, sunshiny day; the waves sparkled and the sky was a picturesque blue and white; and the seagulls loved it. They hovered and darted to their hearts’ content and I opened the window to take photos to my heart’s content. Of course, the door blew shut with a mighty bang and the seagulls decided not to hover quite so close as before to the noisy place with the woman at the window.

“Sorry if it’s a bit cold for you with the window open,” I said to Chris who had gone back to bed to have his cup of tea.

“I’m used to it,” he said, pulling the the duvet over him.

That’s true. I may be a terrible wife but hopefully I redeem myself by being a thoughtful blogger?


2 thoughts on “Oh to be a Seagull

  1. Terrible wife? No. Thoughtful blogger? Yes. Ace photographer? Yes siree!!

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