Talking of Frogs…

Unfortunately, I didn’t marry a frog prince… but I did the next best thing and married the brother of a frog – well, not exactly a frog but definitely not a toad; he was a “Roast Beef” who married a frog, has lived with frogs for most of his life, and has a frog sprog, so by my reckoning my brother-in-law can be counted as a frog, albeit with a small “f”  (which doesn’t mean feeble, rather, fairly froggy). At any rate, Glynn lives in Le Conquet, Brittany, and speaks Froggish or French (si vous preferrez). Oh I do so love l’accent de grenouilles (so much more pleasant than an accent on miserable toads, which, incidentally, should never be kissed).

Whilst I’m on the subject of frogs, I’ll remind you that our friend Roland in Australia is a bit of a frog – no, he’s not French, just a bit of a frog… as the photographs taken a few months ago will prove (I was visiting his pad at the time).

To be honest, the main reason for the frog angle to my blog today is because I have a frog joke from none other than Roly.


An Unusual Pick-up Line


An elderly man was fishing alone in his boat when he suddenly heard a faint voice.
“Pick me up,” it said.
Startled, the man looked around but couldn’t see anyone.
“Pick me up,” the voice repeated.
Looking over the side of the boat the man saw a green frog.
“Come on, pick me up” said the frog. “If you pick me up and kiss me I will turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen and I will marry you and give you all that you desire.”
The man reached over, grabbed the frog and put it into his shirt pocket.
“Hey, what are you doing? ” the frog was bemused. “I told you that if you pick me up and kiss me I will be your beautiful adoring wife and do anything for you!”
The elderly man replied:
” Sorry dear but at my age I’d rather have a talking frog!”

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