All Souped Up

While watering the flowers on the balcony I was thinking about a conversation we had at breakfast this morning; well, it wasn’t exactly a conversation, more a monologue from Roland, our friend in Australia. Nowadays we all use Whatsapp for our free messaging, calls and “verbals” (that’s what we call voice calls). Chris and I were having our breakfast and listening to Roly’s “verbal”.

You may think it banal but we often talk about food – what we have had for breakfast and what we intend to have for dinner – it’s a bit of a joke (and of considerable interest to an avid, but not entirely successful, dieter).

After guessing, correctly, what were having for breakfast (miserable porridge in my case), Roly continued his monologue by declaring:

“I haven’t thought what to have for dinner yet. I’ve had so much soup recently that I’m souped out, same with curry – curried out, and I’m ‘meated’ out. Plus I’m fed up with loads of bread…”

I smiled to myself as I directed the hose at the pretty birdbath, which our friend bought us as a thank you present when he stayed last year; it suddenly occurred to me that if Roland had put his words in a different order, and with a twist, he would have sounded like a much more positive bachelor.  Like this:

“I’m fed. With loads of bread I’ve curried out . I’m souped up and I’ve meted out so much soup recently that I haven’t thought what to have for dinner yet… same with curry.”

I know, a bit mad – it’s odd what strange thoughts come into your mind when you’re watering… and hungry. After that I made a big batch of butternut squash soup, and my bowlful was delicious.