Fernando Come Home

“I wonder if we’ll see Fernando again,” I said ruefully, “I hated saying goodbye to him at the gate yesterday – I wish we had invited him in.”

“Yes, but if you give an inch they’ll take a mile. We did the right thing,” Chris assured.

At the time Chris and I were taking the longer route back to the cortijo after another escapade up the mountain and I rather hoped that we would bump into Fernando again coming down the hill. We reached the driveway where we had first met him and I took a few steps around the bend for a better view.

“I can’t see anyone,” I said disappointedly.

“He’s probably in the village,” Chris responded, “I expect he gave up waiting for you.”

“I think I loved him,” I said.

“I know,” Chris gave me a pat on the arm, “Don’t  worry, I’m certain you’ll see him again.” (I’m so lucky to have an understanding husband.)

“Hope so,” I tried to be positive and I turned to walk back down the road.

“Darling, look who’s here!” Chris said just as Fernando ran up to me.

And Fernando came home with us, and this time we invited him inside. We introduced him to Alan who was finishing his breakfast and I made eggs and bacon for three.

Fernando, unaccustomed to the  traditional English breakfast (and a little unsure of the correct way to eat the dish), decided to eat one egg first, then the other followed by the bacon.

“He eats in a very refined manner,” remarked Alan, who spoke as if Fernando wasn’t there  or was deaf (which is a bit ironic because both Alan and Chris are a tad deaf – more than a tad in Alan’s case!).

“He probably hasn’t had eggs before,” said Chris.

“I shouldn’t think so,” laughed Alan. “What made you think he would like raw eggs, Sally?”

“Well, when I was farm-sitting for Rosie and I accidentally dropped an egg, Inca and Malachy went crazy for it and ate the lot, shell and all! Now I have to deliberately drop an egg now and then for a treat!”

Fernando got a bit desperate for our breakfasts too so I had to lure him with another egg to get him back down to the gate. I felt sad shutting the gate on him – I do love him you know…



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