Feeling Clucky on Coochie

Everyone loves it at Hayley’s “Quirky Cottages”, especially all the animals. I was greeted this morning – my first day – by loads of chooks (that’s chickens in Aussie lingo) and what a friendly bunch they were. Some came up and tapped me on the leg with their beaks, not to hurt me, but as if to say, “Hello, is it me you’re looking for?” Another couple, a fine black hen and a white hen, ran up to me and followed me around wherever I went (and that was after they had been fed).

The ducks and geese ought to have a mention too for they were fascinated by their visitor and gathered around each time I stopped for more than a second. Lollipop the donkey loves chicken grain more than visitors – she took the top off the bucket and helped herself before I could do anything about it. Oreo the goat came up the steps and barged onto the patio of my railway carriage home for the next four days, and then he jumped very nimbly onto the table.

“I shall teach him not to do that while you’re away,” I told Hayley confidently.

“You’re welcome to try,” she laughed.

“And I’m going to teach Cheese Cake (the little terror terrier) not to chase that poor hen he torments,” I added.

Hayley just grinned.

A lady neighbour called Victoria, who doesn’t seem to realise that I’m Australian, kindly informed me about the mosquito problem on the island and shared her secret recipe for home-made mossie repellent – there’s a gigantic cauldron of boiled lavender on the stove and tomorrow, if I have time (when I’m not feeding all the chooks and other animals), I’m hoping to find, on the far side of the island, a tea-tree from which I shall somehow take some of the oil to add to the brew. Victoria ended our evening by entertaining Hayley and I with her expertise in spinning lit balls – I believe the art form is called Poi. Victoria is looking forward to passing on her knowledge to me during the ensuing four days of my stay on the island. Hayley just grinned.

1 thought on “Feeling Clucky on Coochie

  1. Excellent! It takes a skilled farming girl like you to handle the livestock with the appropriate love and care. Coochie-coo, they love you! (as indeed do many others!) Do the ducks they say “Quirk Quirk”?!

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