A Load of Bull (Two Jokes)

Thank you yet again Roland!

Two Sexy Bulls
    A young and an old bull on a hill in the meadow were standing surveying the landscape around them.
     The young bull spies a herd of heifers and says to the old bull “Look at that herd down there? Let’s run down and make love to a couple of them?
      The old bull looks up and says, “I think we’ll walk down and make love to the lot of ’em?”
Three Questions 
Three nuns that had died within hours of each other all went to heaven at the same time.
At the pearly gates they were met by St Peter. Clustered around the gates was a series of bells and lights. St Peter informed the nuns that he had to ask each of them a question, which had to be answered correctly, before he could let them through.
        St Peter: What were the names of the two people in the garden of Eden.
        1st nun: Adam and Eve.
The lights flashed, the bells rang and in she went through the pearly gates.
         St Peter: What did Adam eat from the forbidden tree.
         2nd nun: An apple!
The lights flashed, the bells rang and in she went through the pearly gates.
         St Peter: What was the first thing Eve said to Adam.
The nun thought long and hard before answering…
         3rd nun:  “Gosh that’s a hard one?
The lights flashed, the bells rang and in she went through the pearly gates !!!!

1 thought on “A Load of Bull (Two Jokes)

  1. The first one I’d herd before…..the last one, I’d hard before!

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