Steam Gives Way to Sail… or Not

The tide was in and the road to our favourite local cycling destination of Cockwood Harbour was flooded, so much so that you couldn’t see the pavement, half of which is the cycle-path. We opted for going with the line of cars on the side of the road where the water was shallower and we managed to cycle across without getting our feet wet.

On our way back the traffic was heavier – on both sides of the flood-water. A line of cars on the far side were waiting for the cars on our side to make their precarious crossing.

“Let’s tag along with these cars,” Chris suggested.

So we put in a great effort to keep up with the cars ahead and followed closely behind. The car at the end of the queue, and directly in front of me, crossed successfully and drove off. Suddenly, the driver who had been waiting on the other side, seemingly oblivious to we cyclists coming up the rear, ploughed forwards straight at me. I held out my arm in protest… but to no avail – the hell bent driver kept coming. At the last moment I lost my nerve and swerved into the deepest part of the flood-water. She slowed down as I passed by her. The pedals, and my feet on them, were going like paddles from a steamer churning up the water.

“Thank you very much,” I said, shaking my fist at the woman behind the wheel.

She wouldn’t look at me. Perhaps she felt ashamed. Maybe she hadn’t seen me – people can be blind to bikes – though she would have had to have been as blind as Mr Magoo not to notice that she was about to run into me.

“Calm down,” said Chris, “she’s just a nervous old lady who didn’t know what to do.”

Isn’t Chris kind? All I can say is… watch out for nervous old lady drivers! We still had a lovely ride though, as you can see from the photographs.