Friday’s Child is Loving and Giving…

That is certainly true of my Friday’s Child, little Mason. He’s a darling and quite comfortable with me now – today he even preferred to come to me rather than his granddad (a first!).

As you will see from the photographs, my Friday boy came shopping with me before going to visit my niece and her little girl. In “Big W”, as usual I was attracted towards the bra department (ever on the search for the perfect bra) and when I handed Mason a bra to hold onto for me while I looked at others, he did what all little boys do – he tried the bra on his head! Very funny Mason!

Now, at the end of my day, I am really tired. I feel a bit like the wife of a husband who comes home from work and asks, “What have you been doing all day?” And, like that fictional wife, I would have to answer that I know it doesn’t look like I have done anything but I have been on the go all day long! Why? Because everything takes three times longer to do when you have a baby in tow. Perhaps it is something to do with all the wiping of hands and wiping up of floors and other surfaces; strapping in, then unstrapping, and trying to poke long stiff legs into seemingly under-sized leg holes in swings, high-chairs and shopping trolleys; trying to do everything you can do one-handed with a heavy tot on one hip; and waiting until the child sleeps before you can do the chores that require two hands…

But I am not complaining, we had a lovely day and I enjoyed every minute. I was reminded of earlier days when I was a young mum – oh, such happy times…

Monday’s Child

Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for a living,
But the child who is born on the Sabbath day,
Is lucky and happy and good and gay.