Happy New Year!

Last night was not the best night I have ever had (just when I could have done with a really good sleep). I kept on waking up and wondering what time it was, as you do when you need to arise early… when you are about to embark on a very long journey.

There is another storm raging outside. I certainly pick my travel times well – there is always some peculiar weather event taking place when I want to travel. Sometimes it snows, or there are gales, and my plane is packed because of a backlog of passengers from flights that could not take off.

I’m not looking forward to the flight; for days I have felt apprehensive about leaving, and yet, I know that once I am in the air I shall be excited at the prospect of going home to Australia again. Now that is a nice thought. I shall be in the heat when next I write my blog. Until then, I’ll wish you a happy and healthy new year!