Marriage is….

I overheard a conversation about marriage today: according to the two young ladies, cynical beyond their years, and one not even married yet (just very perspicacious then), marriage is like a game of cards. The game begins with two hearts and a diamond (aw…), and ends with a club and a spade!  No wonder so few people are willing to take part nowadays.

Incidentally, did you know that playing cards were invented by the Chinese in the 9th century?  Cards came to Europe (probably via Egypt) in the 14th century. Of course, they didn’t look like the cards we are all familiar with; the most widely used type of cards in the world at present, comprising four suits – spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs – are believed to have originated in France around 1480. Interestingly, after the French Revolution, and the French Court had lost their heads, a different style of high ranking cards made their appearance. Isn’t it funny that I should come across this information whilst I’m still reading “A Tale of Two Cities”? – everything is French this week!

Thank you Wikipedia. Here are some photos of the French playing cards from 1793-94, also German Skats, still in use today.